Sunday, May 16, 2010

Request to complete your Profile.

To, all those who have already joined but did not complete their Profile so far are requested to complete their Profile at their earliest.

My dear freinds,
Subject: Complete your Profile in all respect.
With reference to the subject mentioned above,I would urge all those friends of mine who have already joined the social & voluntary movement of 'Global Peace and Universal Brotherhood" but did not complete their Profile as yet, to kindly re-visit their Profile and see themselves and ensure that their Profiles are complete in all respects by furnishing all particulars/Link/affix Photo( if not done earlier).
I am happy thatmy eteemed friend Sunita Chauhan Ji has already done it save & except furnishing her email address/Contact No.,if any who has already been requested to complete her Profile in all respects.
Let us hope that all of you will respond to my request very sportingly and cordially with malice to none!
With humble wishes,
Yours Truly,
Bishwa Nath Singh.


  1. Indeed, the world would be a better place if we all made efforts to accept and improve upon our short falls. Being an agent of change is what each one of us should be. *☆* GooD VibeS *☆*☆* Just like the Universe, each moment a new star is born….Connect to your inner self and uncover your authentic self…*☆*let’s extend a helping hand to others. Blessed is the hand that gives. Give a helping hand to your brothers and sisters... *☆*☆*

  2. I tried to register my name as one of the followers of your esteem organization but could not select the tab "followers"...

    Anyways here you go my brief introduction.
    I am an entrepreneur from Kolkata, WB, deals in designing for printing and publishing for the electronic and printing media, developing dynamic and static website and Portal as well for Indian and overseas market. Our offices are located at Kolkata, WB, India and Dallas, Texas, USA as well.

    Mother of only Son, Doctor, has completed his MD and joined with a MNC, in Delhi.
    I live in Kolkata with my own world that includes my profession and my pets, Alex and Fiasco. That is all about me.

  3. I am from Mumbai, India
    Happily married with a son.
    I am a counsellor and social worker.


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