Thursday, February 17, 2011

The definition of love as envisaged and flashed on the f.b. on Feb.17,2011.

Bishwa Nath Singh

We often talk of love on this Valentine’s Day. Let us know as what love means to... one! One must cultivate love towards all: that is the way to gain nearness. I do not measure distance in terms of meters or miles. The range of love decides distance for me. I must tell you of the paramount importance of love. Love is God; live in love. God is the embodiment of perfect love. He can be known and realized, reached and won, only through love. You can see the moon only with the help of moonlight; you can see God only through the rays of love. Sharmila Majeed :
Love is God & God is love..;))..

Reshma Begum :
love itself is a beautiful word...... .



Love is the word, which indicates the striving to realize the falsehood of the many, and the reality of the One. Love identifies; hate separates. Love transposes the self on to another and the two think, speak, and act as one. The earth is ...itself a great enterprise whose finest product is love. The more love is shared, the deeper it becomes, the sweeter in taste, and the vaster the joy. By means of love, one can approach God and stay in his presence, for God is love, and when one lives in love he is living in God. The love welcomes all and blesses all depending on seekers as how they react and truthful they are.One can find as how Lord Krishna and Radha Rani loved each other immensely even by remaining distantly away from each other as it is called eternal love that existed in between them!

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