Monday, February 28, 2011

Gulzari Lal Nanda ,the former Interim Prime Minister of India was true replica of honesty as flashed on the f.b. on Feb.28,2011.

Bishwa Nath Singh

Can one believe that a statesman who remained for number of years as Union Minister and served as Prime Minister of a country for twenty six days did not possess a house of his own and did not raise any property during his life period?


(Photo of Bishwa Nath Singh

Can one believe that a statesman who remained for number of years as Union Minister and served as Prime Minister of a country for twenty six days did not possess a house of his own and did not raise any property during his life period?

 (Photo of Gulzari Lal Nanda, formely Interim Prime Minister of India)

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Bishwa Nath Singh:
It's a naked truth.He was none else than Gulzari Lal Nanda who was born on July 4,1898 at Badhoki in Sialkot District of Punjab now in Pakistan and died on January 15, 1998 at New Delhi in India.As a principled politician, he found himsel...f out of tune with the changed circumstance and did not owe any property. He had lived in a rented house in New Delhi's Defence Colony from which he was evicted since he could not pay its rent and moved to Ahmedabad where he lived with his daughter. What sets him apart from almost all the other freedom fighters who held high offices in independent India is his complete insulation from desire material. He had no source of income and would not accept funds from his children or from any well wisher. A friend, Sheel Bhadra Yajee, forced him to sign an application for the freedom fighter's pension of Rs five hundred per month and that was the source of his income for his living during later parts of his life.His life should be an eye-opener for all of us who are hankering for worldly pleasures and resolve to carry out his legacy in true sense in our life.


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.Anil Kumar :
You are true sir. Our present time politicians have learnt TRUE lesson from him. All of them will not face the

Sd Sharma :
He belonged to the Noble Category of Selfless Politicians like Lal Bahadur Shastri and Rafi afmed Qidwai. I salute such selfless and dedicated National Leaders.



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