Friday, February 11, 2011

My three thoughts for the day as envisaged and flashed by me on the f.b. on Feb.10,,2011.

Bishwa Nath Singh


One should imbibe good things from life of great men and women and follow them all through out their life if they wish to be successful in their life.


..(Photo of Mrs. Indira Gandhi, the former Prime Minister of India.

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Bishwa Nath Singh:
It's my thought for the day that I would like to share with everybody. Here is a Photograph of one the greatest Indian Statesman, able administrator and mass leader who had distinction to win heart of billions and billions of people even af...ter her assassination while she was in the high office of Prime Minister of our country, Mrs Indira Gandhi.We must learn lesson from her life not to be disheartened rather perform our duties well to reach to It's my thought for the day that I would like to share with everybody. Here is a Photograph of one of the great Indian Statesman, able administrator and mass leader of recent past who had distinction to win heart of billions and billions of people even after her assassination while she was in the high office of Prime Minister of our country,Mrs Indira Gandhi.We must learn lesson from her life not to be disheartened rather perform our duties well to reach to perfection in our life. Let us join to pay our floral tribute and respectful homage to her and pay our humble obeisance to her lotus feet and seek her bliss for well-being of all living-being of this universe!.

Anirudha Mohanta:
All her good deeds comes to a big Zero in Emergency in 1975-1977 and she can't be excused for all this-and she can't be called a greatest Indian statesman for that reason

.Anand Prakash Singh :
really it a message to each and very individual to the whole nation.

Ajay Tiwari :
Iron lady , she was bold enough to take the quick & effective decesion .Infact our country need such type of personality .

Shiv Kumar :
wow indra gandhi g the world's one of the brave lady :-)do u know bishwna nath g cuban mr,federal cartro told a long back indra gandhi is my sister :-)))

Anil Maheshwari :
She was really an Iron Lady........



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