Saturday, March 27, 2010

As reagrds detail Profile of Active Members.

To ,
All active members of 'Global Peace and Universal Brotherhood".

Dear friends,
I will request to kindly furnish your all Particulars in a tabular form as appended below:
with humble wishes,
Yours Truly,
Bishwa Nath Singh

Sl. No Name Sex Age Nationality Present Address E-mail Address Mobile No.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 Mr.Bishwa Nath Singh Male 65 Indian S.O.B.No-6,Dalmianagar(Bihar)

2.Er. Nikhil Kumar SinghMale 27 Indian Kalka Ji, New Delhi

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

An appeal and a request to all my friends who are actively participating in this pious movement.

An appeal and a request to all my friends who are actively participating in this pious movement.
All my friends who are actively participating in the movement of 'Global Peace & Universal Brotherhood".

Dear friends,
I am happy that you are actively engaged in propagating and spreading message of 'Global Peace & Universal Brotherhood" at and around you where you work and live and after its coverage successfully, you must have contacted your friends to promote and propagate it and later to request them to spread it amongst their friends in the same way as you have done through net-working or by personal contact. Those who are new entrants can follow the same and begin their works without any delay knowing fully well that well begun is half done.
You are kindly requested to follow these steps to accomplish this Herculean task.
(!) Firstly, you are required to spread the message and theme of the said movement 'Love, love & Peace" at and around you where you work and reside. If need arises , you may address them the objectives of this movement and reasons for launching & propagating it with sole intention to bring awareness and accomplish its theme in wider perspective to ease tension prevailing round the universe and enrich ethical & moral values amongst people spread round the world. After it is successfully completed, you can kindly switch over to the next step.
(2) You may kindly write to your friends and well-wishers giving reference of mine about 'Global Peace & Universal Brotherhood" with sole intention to acquaint them the reasons and objectives for promoting it and as how best to proceed ahead to reach to their friends after covering at and around them in similar way as you have done.
(3) I will urge you to kindly ensure that the chains of spreading its theme do not break rather continue and that could be possible only through constant review and follow-up. You may kindly collect particulars of all your friends those who are actively engaged in propagating it in a tabular form viz; (a)Name,(b) Age(c) Sex (d)Nationality (e)Home address (f) email address (g0 Contact No. and similarly you may request your friends also to collect . You can retain them after collecting and later on, you may kindly pass on a consolidated list to me so that I can also follow them up.
(4) I am fully aware of your constraints but you must derive pleasure in wider interest of humanity the labor that you have put in .I am sure that you will accomplish this Herculean task very successfully and gracefully. I am aware of your busy schedule, but certainly you can accomplish it by striving hard during your leisurely hours or on off or holidays.

I have full faith in your wisdom and am sure that you will come out with flying colors.
With humble wishes,
Yours Truly,
Bishwa Nath Singh.

An appeal and a request to all my friends who are actively participating in this pious movement.

All my friends who are actively participating in the movement of 'Global Peace & Universal Brotherhood".

Dear friends,
I am happy that you are actively engaged in propagating and spreading message of 'Global Peace & Universal Brotherhood" at and around you where you work and live and after its coverage successfully,you must have contacted your friends to promote and propagate it and later to request them to spread it amongst their friends in the same way as you have done through net-working or by personal contact.Those who are new entrants ,can follow the same and begin their works without any delay knowing fully well that well begun is half done.
You are kindly requested to follow these steps to accomplish this herculean task.
(!) Firstly, you are required to spread the message and theme of the said movement 'Love, love & Peace" at and around you where you work and reside.If need arises , you may address them the objectives of this movement and reasons for launching & propagating it with sole intention to bring awareness and accomplish its theme in wider perspective to ease tension prevaiing round the universe and enrich ethical & moral values amongst people spread round the world. After it is successfully completed, you can kindly switch over to the next step.
(2) You may kindly write to your friends and well-wishers giving reference of mine about 'Global Peace & Universal Brotherhood" with sole intention to acquaint them the reasons and objectives for promoting it and as how best to proceed ahead to reach to their friends after covering at and around them in similar way as you have done.
(3) I will urge you to kindly ensure that the chains of spreading its theme do not break rather continues and that could be possible only through constant review and follow-up.You may kindly collect particulars of all your friends those who are actively engaged in propagating it in a tabular form viz; (a)Name,(b) Age(c) Sex (d)Nationality (e)Home address (f) email address (g0 Contact No. and similarly you may request your friends also to collect . You can retain them after collecting and later on, you may kindly pass on a consolidated list to me so that I can also follow them up.
(4) I am fully aware of your constraints but you must derive pleasure in wider interest of humanity the labour that you have put in.I am sure that you will accomplish this herculean task very successfully and gracefully.I am aware of your busy schedule, but certainly you can accomplish it by striving hard during your leisurely hours or on off or holidays.

I have full faith in your wisdom and am sure that you will come out with flying colors.
With humble wishes,
Yours Truly,
Bishwa Nath Singh.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A word of appreciation to my friends who have been actively participating in the movement.

I am overwhelmed by this kind & benevolence gesture of my esteemed friends with whose kind gesture and valuable cooperation the movement already launched globally” Global Peace & Universal Brotherhood" will get its face lift and move with fast speed in right direction achieving its inherent theme "Love, love & Peace around and spread & propagate Universal Brotherhood" amongst masses of the universe through Net-working by actively participating in it and persuading friends/well-wishers to do the same and like wise the chain has got to continue unbroken till it reaches to the last. May the Almighty God bless my young friend with all grand success in her long, happy, prosperous & blissful life!

Correspondence in between me & Krishna Devi emmissiary of Rev.Amma

Krishna Devi Haribol..I visted your website and am very pleased to see your motivation and perseverance to reach your goal. I will call you soon. In the meanwhile, you can write me on what kind of concrete support you want from us. And I will respond accordingly...On the 22nd of March 2010 at 11:15am ·

Bishwa Nath Singh Let me thank you for your kind words and through you to my beloved & respected “Amma... See More” (holy mother) for her great admiration for me though I am afraid, if I really deserve so! I simply require blessings of all of you and love & affection of my respected “Amma” ( holy mother)that may help me in accomplishing this Herculean task of spreading message of “Love, love & Peace at & around and propagate the message of Universal Brotherhood amongst masses” till we reach the last person of this universe. I am sure, with blessings of my respected “Amma” (holy mother), I am bound t come out with flying colors to accomplish this Herculean task of ‘Global Peace & Universal Brotherhood” in due course of my life with smiling face. Let me join all of my friends/well-wishers to pay our humble obeisance to the lotus feet of my respected “Amma” ( holy mother) and all of you who are dear and near to her and seek blessings to accomplish this Herculean task with smiling face with positive result! -Dated :23.3.2010

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Comments of Krishna Devi on her note on "Global Peace and Universal Brotherhood

Krishna Devi commented on her note "UNDERSTANDING THE NATURE OF THE WORLD - PART 2" and sent message to Bishwa Nath Singh:

"We must all pray for Global Peace and Universal Brotherhood. There is too much conflict in this world, and only Pure Love can unite us all. May you always be successful in your mission...Pranams"

Friday, March 19, 2010

Thanks to all those active members who joined this movement.

I must thank all my esteemed friends who have already joined the very pious movement.I am overwhelmed by this kind & benevolence gesture of my esteemed friends with whose kind gesture and valuable cooperation the movement already launched globally” Global Peace & Universal Brotherhood" will get its face lift and move with fast speed in right direction achieving its inherent theme "Love, love & Peace around and spread & propagate Universal Brotherhood" amongst masses of the universe through Net-working by actively participating in it and persuading friends/well-wishers to do the same and like wise the chain has got to continue unbroken till it reaches to the last.Kindly ensure firstly to display it prominently on a Website & Web Page & later on, persuading your friends/well-wishers/relations to enroll themselves with a pledge to voluntary spreading the message of love & peace at & around by shunning their differences, if any and later for for establishing brotherhood relationship amongst their friends/well-wishers by net-working. I know that all of you remain awfully busy with tightened up your schedule, but you can spare some time to accomplish it remembering a well-known thought that where there is wiil, there is way out. Certainly, I count on you & hopefully wishing you to strengthen my hands May the Almighty God bless my young friend with all grand success in her long, happy, prosperous & blissful life!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

How nice of you!

May I request you to kindly go through the website and strengthen my hands to make the mass-movement of 'Global Peace & Universal Brotherhood' a success! Your active evolvement & participation is urged with all sincerity at my command! Your kind cooperation highly solicited.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Your kind cooperatin highly solicited to make this movement a success!

There are no dearth of good people at & around but the only thing is as how many of us are concerned on such issues that is the point as we have become so self-centered grossly engaged for our own interest hardly caring interest for others. The human rights are for all not for any individual. Any one when he feels that in his/her case, there has been violation of it, he/she is free to move to the commission to redress. If one takes lead for a common cause, the strength of actual supporters will be very few at times dismal. Many of you are aware that just to bring awareness and propagate to bring love & Peace around and to spread message of brotherhood all through out the universe specially at a time when tension ,war like situation, ,atrocities, murders, terrorist nefarious activities etc- all vices are at rampant ,a movement called "Global Peace & Universal Brotherhood" has been launched with kind cooperation of friends/well-wishers/relations to spread it through net-working to all till it reaches to the last family of the globe but it is being noticed that active participants are not turning up in large numbers though it is a very pious & Godly movement directly & indirectly all are affected where every body ought to have participated actively to carry out this noble work during leisurely hours to bring perfection in it and that is the tragedy. Let us hope that good sense will prevail amongst all and each one of us will strive hard to carry out social-services without any personal gain.
Let me clear on the very onset that it is not a mission rather its movement. The reasons for launching were very well specified in my web. I don't wish any one to be follower of mine rather participants in the said movement. Since, I could not locate any specific column of Participants in my web and few who had already joined were enlisted in 'Follower" column, hence I had mentioned not because of any anterior motive. It was launched after holding discussions with many friends/well - wishers to overcome the greatest menace what our societies/states/nation/universe are facing today knowing fully well that it is a very Herculean task ahead. I hold the principle that where there is will, there is way out and well-begun is half done. It has been launched with very pious intention with malice to none. It is completely ethical, social & voluntary movement. Any one joining it will be most welcome as the caravan will keep on going. I am happy that I am getting good response. Trust, it finds you in cheers.

Friday, March 12, 2010

All followers are to be active members of the said movement.

I must express my gratitude to all those who have enrolled themselves as the follower of the said movement.They are by virtue of being its follwer,automatically become its active member.It is expected from all of them to come forward and persuade all their friends/well-wishers to actively participate in the holy & godly movement of 'Global Peace & Universal Brotherhood" to accomplish its very theme of “Love, love & Peace at & around and spread & propagate message of Brotherhood amongst others universally” such as their friends/well-wishers” that is how we can move ahead and ensure that the chain is not broken through net-working till we reach the last person.I would request all of them to kindly incorporate their own particulars and also collect the particulars of their friends also who join this movement and retain them with you in tabular form and at last they may send me a consolidated list for record & follow-up actionn from time to time to make this movement a success.For particulars, the following tabular form may kindly be used. Name, Sex, Address, Nationality, country where living,academic qualification,age, email address/Mobile No. & Remarks. They are urged to keep a record and ensure that the chain continues uninterrupted.One must be very clear that any one who joins later on will be also welcome as it is a mass-movement & voluntary organizations to accomplish its herculean task for the sake of humanity.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

An appeal to my friends in the face book,gmail & yahoo mail.

May I request all of my friends of face book,yahoo & gmail to go through the website for your active participation and evolvements to make 'Global Peace & Universal Brotherhood" a success! They are requested post their thoughts/comments and their full particulars in the said website and they should prevail upon their friends/well-wishers preferably connected with net-working also to do the same and ensure that the chain continues till we have reached to the last person conveying its theme,aims and objectives and persude them to foster love & peace at & around where they putt off and in case of any difficulty,they are most welcome to write to me on my email address or with copy to sribnsingh@gmail so that queries, if any could be very well replied. It is a social, ethical & voluntary movement May God bless all of us to give us wisdom & strength to accomplish this Herculean task of achieving its theme globally with a success!

A clarification was sought.

Let me clear on the very onset that it is not a mission rather its movement. The reasons for launching were very well specified in my web. I don't wish any one to be follower of mine rather participants in the said movement. Since, I could not locate any specific column of Participants in my web anfd few who had already joined were enlisted in 'Follower" column, hence I had mentioned not because of any anterior motive. It was launched after holding discussions with many friends/well - wishers to overcome the greatest menace what our societies/states/nation/universe are facing today knowing fully well that it is a very Herculean task ahead. I hold the principle that where there is will, there is way out and well-begun is half done. It has been launched with very pious intention with malice to none. It is completely ethical, social & voluntary movement. Any one joining it will be most welcome as the caravan will keep on going. I am happy that I am getting good response. Trust, it finds you in cheers.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Request for participation in"Global Peace and Universal Brotherhood".

May I request all my friends of face book, yahoo & gmail to kindly join this mass-movement of "Global Peace and Universal Brotherhood"that is purely a voluntary one to actively participate in it to attain its theme of 'Love,love & Peace at & around and spread & propagate the message of universal Brotherhood" amongst friends/well-wishers to make it a success! The same chain has to be carried by their friends/well-wishers with the same motto to their friends/well-wishers through net-working till we touch the last person of the universe with malice to none attaining its theme.Unless we bring awareness with godly intention nothing could be tangible.Let us strive hard with all sincerity at our commands when we are free & having leisorly hours at our disposal without disturbing our normal routine to make it a success! I am happy that many of my friends had expressed their willinness and few of them have already started functioning in the right direction deseve all praise.May I request them to express their thoughts/comments here in this website instead of posting their messages in the message-box of the face book.May God bless all of us with strength & wisdom in us to accomplish this herculean task very suucessfully & gracefully!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

An appreciation for those who are evolved in making "Global Peace & Universal Brotherhood"movement a success!

My dear friends, you are most welcome to go to planet together subject to ensure a dream of my life translated in to reality by striving hard to make 'Global Peace & Universal Brotherhood' a success. Kindly ensure firstly to display it prominently on a Website & Web Page & later on, persuading your friends/well-wishers/relations to enroll themselves with a pledge to voluntary spreading the message of love & peace at & around by shunning their differences, if any and later for establishing brotherhood relationship amongst their friends/well-wishers by net-working. I know that you remain awfully busy with tightened up your schedule, but you can spare some time to accomplish it remembering a well-known thought that where there is wiil, there is way out. Certainly, I count on you & hopefully wishing you to strengthen my hands. May God bless you with all success!

A word of praise with respect to 'Global Peace & Universal Broherhood

My dear friends, you are most welcome to go to planet together subject to ensure a dream of my life translated in to reality by striving hard to make 'Global Peace & Universal Brotherhood' a success. Kindly ensure firstly to display it prominently on a Website & Web Page & later on, persuading your friends/well-wishers/relations to enroll themselves with a pledge to voluntary spreading the message of love & peace at & around by shunning their differences, if any and later for establishing brotherhood relationship amongst their friends/well-wishers by net-working. I know that you remain awfully busy with tightened up your schedule, but you can spare some time to accomplish it remembering a well-known thought that where there is wiil, there is way out. Certainly, I count on you & hopefully wishing you to strengthen my hands. May God bless you with all success!

Aims & Objects,theme & meas to accelerate & lead to 'Global Peace & Universal Brotherhood" a success.

(A) Aims & objectives:

To ease & overcome tension prevailing round the world, hatred being spread amongst people by miscreants, loot & murders have become rampant, ethical & moral values are diminishing all throughout the world and terrorism are at rampant.

(B) Themes:
To bring transformation in all living –being of this world through spreading message & propagating "Love, love & Peace at & around and to spread & propagate Brotherhood amongst masses to overcome all those menace facing the world till we reach to the last person of the universe.

(C) How to accelerate:

It is expected from all of us to come forward and persuade all our friends/well-wishers to actively participate in the holy & godly movement 'Global Peace & Universal Brotherhood" to accomplish its very theme of “Love, love & Peace at & around and spread & propagate message of Brotherhood amongst others” such as their friends/well-wishers” that is how we can move ahead and collect their particulars such as Name, Sex, Address, Nationality, email address/Mobile No. etc. and keep a record and ensure that the chain continues by them uninterrupted.

There are no dearth of good people at & around but the only thing is as how many of us are concerned on such issues that is the point as we have become so self-centered grossly engaged for our own interest hardly caring interest for others. The human rights are for all not for any individual. Any one when he feels that in his/her case, there has been violation of it, he/she is free to move to the commission to redress. If one takes lead for a common cause, the strength of actual supporters will be very few at times dismal. Many of you are aware that just to bring awareness and propagate to bring love & Peace around and to spread message of brotherhood all through out the universe specially at a time when tension ,war like situation, ,atrocities, murders, terrorist nefarious activities etc- al vices are at rampant ,a movement called "Global Peace & Universal Brotherhood" has been launched with kind cooperation of friends/well-wishers/relations to spread it through net-working to all till it reaches to the last family of the globe but it is being noticed that active participants are not turning up in large numbers though it is a very pious & Godly movement directly & indirectly all are affected where every body ought to have participated actively to carry out this noble work during leisurely hours to bring perfection in it and that is the tragedy. Let us hope that good sense will prevail amongst all and each one of us will strive hard to carry out social-services without any personal gain.

(D) Request to all my friends/well-wishers:-

My dear friends, you are most welcome to go to planet together subject to ensure a dream of my life translated in to reality by striving hard to make 'Global Peace & Universal Brotherhood' a success. Kindly ensure firstly to display it prominently on a Website & Web Page & later on, persuading your friends/well-wishers/relations to enroll themselves with a pledge to voluntary spreading the message of love & peace at & around by shunning their differences, if any and later for for establishing brotherhood relationship amongst their friends/well-wishers by net-working. I know that you remain awfully busy with tightened up your schedule, but you can spare some time to accomplish it remembering a well-known thought that where there is wiil, there is way out. Certainly, I count on you & hopefully wishing you to strengthen my hands. May God bless you with all success!

An Active participation of all is very sincerely urged. You will bear me out that well-begun is half done. The only request of mine will be to you to put it prominently on your face book page linking my Profile and request your friends to get them enrolled and actively participate in this holy movement to make it a success. Whatever suggestions you have, kindly email me so that they could be taken care of. May God bless us & all my esteemed friends to bear me out to make this holy movement having the noblest themes for cause of humanity a success in totality even in diversities!

Thanks my dear friend! Is it not need of hours to have love, peace & brotherhood relationship every where when one sees terrorist attacks, loots ,murders ,rapes & war like situation prevailing in most part of the world? It is because of these vices, just to redress them I had launched with kind cooperation of friends/well-wishers like you to propagate & spread message of 'Global Peace & Universal Brotherhood" in shape of a movement to reach even to the last family of the world through net-working. I wish your kind cooperation. Firstly (1) To give impetus, you must flash on your flash face book page prominently linking my Profile & events for impressing your friends/well-wishers to actively associate themselves with this Project depending on as how catchy &impressive you can workout & get it flashed (2)Enroll all of your friends/well-wishers as active participants by collecting their full particulars (3) To obtain pledge from them to ensure love & peace at and around where they are living and then to spread message of Universal brotherhood amongst their friends/well-wishers iin the same process(4)The chain has to continue till we bring transformation in all human-beings of the universe as Social reforms.(5) The first one who initiates this Project will be known as coordinator who will remain in touch with me for further course of action. I wish that the chain must be kept rolling and see that it moves on in the right direction. It is completely a Voluntary act need to be accomplished as destined by God by sparing some time & holidays for this noble cause. You will agree with me that no sooner, the work begins, it’s half done an there lies my deep anguish & anxieties. Truly speaking perhaps the God wanted me to initiate this Herculean task and that is why am here grossly embedded with this work. Once, it takes on and leaves ground level, you will see that People will take it as a movement and there won’t be any dearth of cooperation. Hope, it is very clear to you and certainly, it will motivate you to take e up this work very smilingly to accomplish herculean task ahead. In case of any difficulty, you may write to me on my email address; and can speak to me on my Mob. No. +919934957230.May God bless you!

I must make it very clear that it is voluntary movement with no fund and not even the slightest intention to raise any fund The quickest means to reach others will be through net working. I could appeal to all of my net-working friends to accept it as a challenge and ensure to reach as many people as possible convincing them to adhere to its theme and lend their support to make it a success.

Monday, March 8, 2010

A rejoinder for ' Global Peace and Universal Brotherhood"

How nice of you to have been esteemed friend of mine! I could wish you all the best and request you to join by enrolling yourself with full particulars the movement that was launched earlier by me to ease & overcome tension prevailing round the world, hatred being spread amongst all, loot & murders have become rampant, ethical & moral values diminishing all throughout by strengthening our hands to make the movement of "Global Peace & Universal Brotherhood" a success and see its rolling on the right path in the right direction through networking –easiest & fastest way to reach all and improve lot at & around us till we reach to the last to bring transformation in all living –being of this world through spreading message & propagating "Love &Peace around and universally brotherhood to be spread globally" to overcome all those menace facing the world -the Herculean task to be accomplished as destined by the Almighty God. .May God bless all of us living in this world to make this movement globally a success by kind cooperation and participation of all through our sincere efforts and hard work to accomplish Godly perfection in to them ! I urge you to please visit my Profile & events and be part of this great movement having noble themes to be accomplished with help of friends like you.Kindly accept my heartiest greetings to you on this pious eve and join the tirade to bring perfection in you & all. You may kindly take down my email address; & Mob. No.:+91-9934957230 for future reference, if any and can pass on to me and let me have of yours to remaining touch with you.It is high time for all willing people who are humble children of God to join by enrolling themselves to be active participants to make the movement "Global Peace & Universal Brotherhood" a success through networking to accomplish its theme as destined by the Almighty God. May the Almighty God bless you with His bliss in your very long & happy life! Looking forward eagerly for your kind cooperation to make this movement a success

One must be wedded with social activities if he/she wants to accomplish great thing in his/her life and that is why I wish and request you and through you all your esteemed friends/well-wishers to shun their farce echo and actively participate in 'Global Peace & Universal Brotherhood” to lead it to a success and change from myth to reality" It is high time to begin with as we will kindly bear me out that well begun is half done.

Dear Friend, I have already translated not only my thoughts but of billions across this country for accelerating the movement “Global Peace & Universal Brotherhood”. Kindly see as how best you can help me in propagating it. Why do not you flash it on your Page book giving link of my Profile or events and invite your friends/well-wishers to take up this task of promoting it through networking as a noble task for cause of humanity? It is high time that you can also associate with it & see impressing on others too through your networking whenever you are free & find leisurely hours. I am sure that is is bound to give you an immense pleasure ,more you evolve in this pious & Godly work, more pleasure you will have. May God bless you! I shall be happy if you could strengthen my hands in spreading this message through net-working firstly amongst your own kith & kin and secondly amongst your friends & well-wishers enrolling them as active members and collecting their full particulars and taking a simple Pledge to work voluntarily to spread message of "Love, love & Peace at & around and to spread & propagate the message of Universal Brotherhood" through networking to reach as many people as one can and see that the chain continues unbroken. Though, it looks very simple but it is a Herculean task ahead. May God give us strength & courage to accomplish this noble thoughts & holy work with perfection!

I am overwhelmed by this kind & benevolence gesture of my esteemed friends with whose kind gesture and valuable cooperation the movement already launched globally” Global Peace & Universal Brotherhood" will get its face lift and move with fast speed in right direction achieving its inherent theme "Love, love & Peace around and spread & propagate Universal Brotherhood" amongst masses of the universe through Net-working by actively participating in it and persuading friends/well-wishers to do the same and like wise the chain has got to continue unbroken till it reaches to the last. May the Almighty God bless my young friend with all grand success in her long, happy, prosperous & blissful life!