Thursday, March 3, 2011

Lord Shiva is omnipresent as flashed on the f.b. on March 3,2011.

Bishwa Nath Singh

The Almighty God is omnipresent. So, is true with Lord Shiva who is the head of all Gods who is known widely for being God of Destruction of all our sorrows and miseries. His marriage anniversary is celebrated with gaiety and great devotion tonight on the eve of Mahashivratri. Let us join it and resolve to sink our differences on petty considerations of our caste, creed, religion and faith and live in harmony with others!


(Photo of Lord Shiva & Goddess Parvati)

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Jagdish Morjaria HAR HAR MAHADEV HARA: #lv jagdish

.Bishwa Nath Singh :
Lord Shiva is also known as Ardhanareshwar that is the form of Lord Shiva represents the union of Goddess Parvati and Lord Shiva, the union of male and female. Both are two different aspects of nature but come together to create a perfect ...harmonious balance. The Ardhanareshwar form represents the union of complementary forces in nature to create a complete whole. They are one, existing without duality. That is the concept of marriage in Vedic philosophy. Marriage between a man and a woman symbolically represents the Ardhanareshwar, a union between two people. When two people come together in marriage, they become an inseparable part of each other for an entire life. There is no individual identity and, therefore, no scope for divorce. In the Vedic period there was no such thing as a divorce. Once a marriage was consummated, the man had to take full responsibility of the woman’s needs — financial and physical — for the rest of her life and the woman in return looked after the man and his entire family with complete devotion and respect. She was responsible for expanding his family and inculcating proper values in the children.Woman is considered as a force or shakti in a man’s life. A woman is like fuel and man the vehicle, both come together to complete the journey of experiences they chose to go through in their lifetime. It is a certainty that a woman committed completely (in thoughts, words and deeds) to her man can take the man to any heights. There’s nothing impossible for him to achieve in the physical world. As every phenomenon in nature serves a purpose, there is purpose behind two people coming together also. As the root of every action is desire, this desire decides the purpose they unite for and, accordingly, they go through the experiences they had asked for. The union of two forces always occurs for Creation. Based on their desire they connect together at different levels to create, experience and go beyond. These connections, based on desire and purpose, also decide the length of that relationship. The higher the purpose longer is the union.Let us greet each other on this sacred eve and celebrate Mahashivratri with great devotion by listening songs of praise to Lord Shiva and Our holy mother Parvati and resolove to be good and do well to others and spread theme of 'Global Peace and Universal Brotherhood" amongst others till we attain the success!
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.Jagdish Morjaria :
Thank you, Sir. # Parvati Patey Har Har Mahadev Harh:# Om Namah: Shivay#love jagdish

Subasheineei Krishnan Pillai ‎..:
..A life of love and luminosity consumed in that bliss epitome of Universal Power....
March 3,2011.

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