Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Divine Message as flashed on the f.b. on September 29,2010.


Bishwanath Singh Thanks for your such a noble presentation that I appreciate. One should not forget that this is a very complex society where we live in, both good & bad people exist. Some of them are very helpful whereas most of them are very callous at times to others. Let us hope that good sense will prevail to those who are on wron...g paths and will join main stream of society comprising of good people to learn values of godly life! Unless we follow the path of truth,love & non-violence, chances of improvement seems to be very bleak. One must follow the code of ethical & moral values to lead a very blissful life.One must not forget that the service to human-being is service to God.Let us resove to follow it very truthfully to have godly bliss in our life !


RemoveVijay Anant

In this note:Bishwanath Singh


There is no virtue higher than love, there is no treasure higher than love, there is no religion higher than love, because love is Truth, love is God. This world has come out of love, this world exists in love and this world ultimately dissolves in love. In every inch of His creation you can verily understand His love. (Swami Sivananda)### Serve all creatures of God. The service of servants of God is His real worship. If you can not speak well of someone rather do not say anything. दीन-दुखियों की सेवा करो। भगवान के सेवकों की सेवा ही भगवान की सच्ची भक्ति है। यदि आप किसी के लिए अच्छा नही कह सकते तो कुछ न कहना बेहतर है।

September 29,2010.

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