Monday, September 13, 2010

Some misgivings about Pandit Nehru contradicted by me as flashed on the f.b of Sept. 13,2010.

Bishwanath Singh :Much have been said about partition and implimentation on two nation theories while we attained independence from British Colonial rule on the midnight of the 15th of August 1947.I would like to add the following for persual of all my friends & well-wishers.It is unto historians to judge as who & where one had commi...tted blunder in the past that the nation is facing their wrath. The partition was itself unpalatable to many but it took place and the nation was divided into on two nations theory promulgated . For all lapses, Pandit Nehru can't be accused and held responsible though he was the Prime Minister of our country. Pandit Nehru has been the best Prime Minister of our country that country could see in him. He was a mass leader with full of wisdom and passion in his heart towards common people. The nation could ever see in him all the great virtues that the great statesman of the world possess. He was very punctual and sincere towards his works. He was always regarded as pride for our nation who strived hard to overcome many problems our county was facing due to partition during his tenure.
You, Nikhil Singh, Shama Daniel Ghai and John Monteiro like this..
.Prakhar Mishra After 60 years, it is easy to be critical for the decision taken by JLN, though i do consider him a visionary that laid the foundation of modern India. However, we may not agree with his all decisions 100%..
John Monteiro likes this. · . Bishwanath Singh: Thanks Prabhakar Ji.I share your feelings .
September 13,2010.

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