Saturday, September 18, 2010

A homage to Lord Bawan Bhagwan whose Jayany will be celebrated on Sept. 19 ,2010 as flashed by me on the f.b of Sept.18,2010.

Bishwanath Singh : Bawan Bhagwan disguishing himself as a Brahamana begged three steps of land from king Bali. His first foot-step rested upon the hill of Chunar impressing it with his foot-mark. Consequently, the hill came to be known as Chunar Adri or footstep hill. With the passage of time , the name became Chunar. In the course of the religious significance of this place increased considerably. It is aid that Bhati Nath,brother of the half Mythical Vikramaditya of Ujjain, having embraced the habit and profession of a hermit ,selected the rock of Chunar as his place of retirement. Vikramaditya is said to have discovered the hiding place of his brother by the aid of certain holy hermit named Gorakhnath, and to have visited Chunar and built for his brother a residence. Bawan Bhagwan tested sincerity,honesty and devotion of King Bali by taking everything from him in two of his steps and in third step,he wanted to had his body that King Bali agreed happily to partake and give it to Him then the very arrival of God rescued the King Bali from going under any penance and his kingdom & wealth were returned to him.Bawan Bhagwan is known as an incarnation of Lord Vishnu whose Birth Anniversary will be observed with all sincerity and devotion on the 19th of September 2010.Let us pay our humble obeisance to His lotus feet and seek His bliss for welfare of all living-being of this universe!

Bishwanath Singh Let us see the Picure of that Chunar big fort located in Mirzapur District of Uttar Pradesh of our country.This historic place lies in latitude 25.7 North & Longitude 80.55 East , 32 Km.east of Mirzapur and is connected by rail and road. It is also connected by rail with Varanasi via. Mugalsarai in the east.
September 18,2010.

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