Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The concept of Soul as envisaged & flashed by me on the f.b on October 26,2010

Bishwanath Singh We often listen about soul that is immortal.Let us have glimpse of the definition and various religious concept of soul in brief!

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Bishwanath Singh :
This is the picture of Abhay Charanaravinda Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada that depicts transmigrating of his Soul to another one after he had left for heavenly abode at Vrindavan on November 14,1977 at the age of eighty one years. Tho...ugh, he is no more with us on this worldly earth, but his teachings hare our best guide. He has our humble obeisances! Now, let me focus further on the very concept of soul along with its definition!.

A soul is well-defined as the incorporeal essence of a person or living thing in certain spiritual, philosophical, and psychological traditions. There are Many philosophical and spiritual systems who teach that humans are souls; some attribute souls to all living things and even to inanimate objects. The soul is often believed to exit the body and live on after a person’s death, and some religions posit that God creates souls. The soul has often been deemed integral or essential to consciousness and personality, and soul sometimes functions as a synonym for spirit, mind or self, although the soul is said to function in a distinct enough way from both the spirit and the psyche that the terms should not be treated interchangeably. Religions which subscribe to non-monotheistic views, in particular Dharmic religions, may have differing concepts, such as reincarnation, nirvana, etc.Plato, drawing on the words of his teacher Socrates, considered the soul as the essence of a person, being, that which decides how we behave. He considered this essence as an incorporeal, eternal occupant of our being. As bodies die the soul is continually reborn in subsequent bodies. The Platonic soul comprises mind,emotion & desire-three parts: Each of these has a function in a balanced, level and peaceful soul. Aristotle, following Plato, defined the soul as the core or essence of a living being, but argued against its having a separate existence in its entirety. In Aristotle's view, a living thing's soul is its activity, which is its life. As per Hinduism, the existence of soul does not need any proof as it is self-evident. Through a process of Self-enquiry one comes to understand its nature. Since the quality of soul is primarily consciousness - all sentient and insentient beings are pervaded by Atman — including plants, animals, humans and gods. The difference between them is the contracted or expanded state of that consciousness. For example animals and humans share in common, desire to live, fear of death, desire to procreate and to protect their families and territory and the need for sleep. But animals consciousness is more contracted and has less possibility to expand than does human consciousness.When the soul becomes embodied it is called birth, when the Atman leaves a body it is called death. The soul transmigrates from one body to another body based on performed deeds reactSikhism considers Soul to be part of God (Waheguru). Various hymns are cited from the holy book "Sri Guru Granth Sahib" (SGGS) that suggests this belief. "God is in the Soul and the Soul is in the God" The soul is divine; divine is the soul. Worship Him with love and "The soul is the Lord, and the Lord is the soul; contemplating the “Shabad”, the Lord is found." Among Christians, there is uncertainty regarding whether human embryos have souls, and at what point between conception and birth the fetus acquires a soul and consciousness. This uncertainty is the general reasoning behind many Christians' belief that abortion should not be legal.

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Aravind Pandey Thanks Sir ..Salute to You for this Post

October 26,2010

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