Sunday, October 17, 2010

Random thoughts of mine as flashed on the f.b .on October 15,2010.

Bishwanath Singh:
What‘s a mystery of our creator that the timing of death remains unknown to all of us! Those who have conquered it are called Saints who welcome both life and death as routine matters and accept both happiness and sorrows gracefully in their life. Let us try to live unto godly life by doing selfless service!

Friday at 7:25am · Comment ·· ShareYou like this.

Bishwanath Singh :
The dead corpse of my most loving mother who had died in the night of September 6, 2010 was ready to be carried to Marnkalika Ghat of Varanasi next morning in the forenoon of September 7,2010 where her last rite was performed with great dignity. What‘s a destiny, her body was transformed into five basic elements at the bank of the holy river the Ganges!Let us pay our homage to that great saintly lady who was known widely for her passion & wisdom!

Bishwanath Singh :
It is high time that we must learn to inculcate good habits and perform good deeds in our life to make our life very blissful Once, we are engaged in selfless service, the time will move on fast and we can't recollect as how sooner it passed off so quietly. It's true that none like to die and none is prepared to welcome death though, it is certain that those who come on this worldly earth have to depart one day .

Bishwanath Singh :
It is universal truth that the life is a very complex one with full of complexities. It depends on one as how he /she live unto it. If one is grossly engaged in good deeds, the life for them is very short since the time moves on fast on schedule and many things are still left to accomplish by those people The life is too short for those who are busy otherwise.
October 15,2010

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