Thursday, November 18, 2010

The wooes of Haitian who had suffered much must be sorted out and for that an appeal to US President Barack Obama.

Bishwa Nath Singh via Brian Stetten:
It is high time that US President Barack Obama who is known widely for his passion & wisdom be urged to kindly intervene and see that things are straightened on right path in the right direction. in Haiti that had suffered much due to natural calamities in the recent past.

Ask President Obama to Intervene in Haiti Now!

Dear Mr. President: I am writing to ask that the United States take immediate action...

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Bishwa Nath Singh:
It is high time that US President Barack Obama who is known widely for his passion & wisdom be urged to kindly intervene and see that things are straightened on right path in the right direction. in Haiti that had suffered much due to natural calamities in the recent past.

Ask President Obama to Intervene in Haiti Now! Petition


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Aravind Pandey likes this.
Nov. 18,2010.

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