Saturday, April 30, 2011

A glimpse on the nature that answers only when she is questioned by Bishwa Nath Singh as flashed on the f.b. of April 26,2011..

Bishwa Nath Singh:

A glimpse on the nature that answers only when she is questioned by Bishwa Nath Singh.

 Bishwa Nath Singh :

Nature answers only when she is questioned that sounds very well even today. Nature, in the broadest sense, is equivalent to the natural world, physical world, or material world that refers to the phenomena of the physical world, and also to life in general. It ranges in scale from the subatomic to the cosmic. The word nature is derived from the Latin word natura, or essential qualities, innate disposition", and in ancient times, literally meant birth. Natura was a Latin translation of the Greek word which originally related to the intrinsic characteristics that plants, animals, and other features of the world develop of their own accord. The very concept of nature as a whole, the physical universe, is one of several expansions of the original notion whose usage was confirmed during the advent of modern scientific method in the last several centuries..Within the various uses of the word today, nature can be referred as to the general realm of various types of living plants and animals, and in some cases to the processes associated with inanimate objects–the way that particular types of things exist and change of their own accord, such as the weather and geology of the Earth, and the matter and energy of which all these things are composed. It is often taken to mean the "natural environment" or wilderness–wild animals, rocks, forest, beaches, and in general those things that have not been substantially altered by human intervention, or which persist despite human intervention. For, example, manufactured objects and human interaction generally are not considered part of nature, unless qualified as, for example, "human nature" or "the whole of nature". This more traditional concept of natural things which can still be found today implies a distinction between the natural and the artificial, with the artificial being understood as that which has been brought into being by a human consciousness or a human mind. Depending on the particular context, the term "natural" might also be distinguished from the unnatural, the supernatural, or what is man-made .The earth is the only planet presently known to support life, and its natural features are the subject of many fields of scientific research. Within the solar system, it is third nearest to the sun; it is the largest terrestrial planet and the fifth largest overall. Its most prominent climatic features are its two large polar regions, two relatively narrow temperate zones, and a wide equatorial tropical to subtropical region.The precipitations varies widely with location, from several meters of water per year to less than a millimetre. Seveny one percent of the Earth's surface is covered by salt-water oceans. The remainder consists of continents and islands, with most of the inhabited land in the Northern Hemisphere.It has evolved through geological and biological processes that have left traces of the original conditions. The outer surface is divided into several gradually migrating tectonic plates, which have changed relatively quickly several times The interior remains active, with a thick layer of molten mantle and an iron-filled core that generates a field. The atmospheric conditions have been significantly altered from the original conditions by the presence of life-forms that create an ecological balance that stabilizes the surface conditions. Despite the wide regional variations in climate by latitude and other geographic factors, the long-term average global climate is quite stable during interglacial periods and variations of a degree or two of average global temperature have historically had major effects on the ecological balance, Nature answers only when it is questioned. The beauty in nature has historically been a prevalent theme in art and books, filling large sections of libraries and bookstores. That nature has been depicted and celebrated by so much art, photography, poetry and other literature shows the strength with which many people associate nature and beauty.The reasons cited as why this association exists, and what the association consists of, is studied by the branch of philosophy called aesthetics. Beyond certain basic characteristics that many philosophers agree about to explain what is seen as beautiful, the opinions are virtually endless.The nature and wildness have been important subjects in various epochs of world history. An early tradition of landscape art began in China during the Tang Dynasty (618-907). The tradition of representing nature as it is became one of the aims of Chinese painting and was a significant influence in Asian Art. Although natural wonders are celebrated in the Psalms and the Book of Job, wilderness portrayals in art became more prevalent in the 1800s, especially in the works of the Romantic movement. British artists John Constable and JMW Turner turned their attention to capturing the beauty of the natural world in their paintings. Before that, paintings had been primarily of religious scenes or of human beings. William Wordsworth's poetry described the wonder of the natural world, which had formerly been viewed as a threatening place. Increasingly the valuing of nature became an aspect of Western culture. This artistic movement also coincided with the Transcendentalist movement in the Western world. A common classical idea of beautiful art involves the word mimesis, the imitation of nature. Also in the realm of ideas about beauty in nature is that the perfect is implied through symmetry, equal division, and other perfect mathematical forms and notions .Nothing is rich but the inexhaustible wealth of nature. She shows us only surfaces, but she is a million fathoms deep. Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts. God is infinite; and the laws of nature, like nature itself, are finite. These methods of working, therefore, — which correspond to the physical element in us, — do not exhaust His agency. There is a boundless residue of disengaged energy beyond.Let us appreciate nature which is God's costliest free gift to us and save it from any hazardous bad effects!


(Wall Photos -three depicting nature)

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Bishwa Nath Singh :
Let us join to appreciate nature which is God's costliest free gift to us and save it from any hazardous bad effects!

Apri 26,2011.

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