Saturday, April 30, 2011

A write-up on May Day as envisaged and flashed by me on the f.b. on May 1,2011.

Bishwa Nath Singh

We observe May day today on the May 1,2011 in India enjoying public holiday though its being Sunday. It is a day to resolve to be good and do well to others with a note of being good and maintaining most cordial relationship amongst all irrespective of one’s status and position.


( Photo of  one being a Boss By working faithfully eight hours a day you may eventually get to be boss and work twelve hours a day )

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Bishwa Nath Singh :

We observe May day today on the May 1, 2011 in India enjoying public holiday though its being Sunday. It is a day to resolve to be good and do well to others with a note of being good and maintaining most cordial relationship amongst all ir...respective of one’s status and position. After a relatively long period, a new wave of class struggle is emerging. After the movements of the oppressed in Latin America and the youth and workers’ movements in Europe, the Arab revolution has shaken the planet This year the workers across the planet will commemorate May Day in one of the most turbulent and traumatic periods in history. The world is ravaged by wars, terrorism, bloodshed, economic catastrophe and unprecedented poverty, misery, disease and destitution. The vast majority of the human race has been plunged into the devastation of deprivation, hunger and suffering. The relations between labour and capital had deteriorated with the policies of privatization, downsizing, liberalization, restructuring and contract labor. Redundancies and layoffs have become a regular feature of modern capitalism. Social services and the benefits of the workers have been viciously cut through draconian austerity measures throughout the capitalist world. Even during the recession, when the workers had to bear the brunt of the financial meltdown, the bankers, capitalists and the bosses of the multinational corporations plundered on and enriched themselves to obscene levels. The gap between the ruling elites and the toiling masses has widened to unprecedented levels. In the largest capitalist country of the world, the US, one percent of the richest households now own more wealth than the ninety five percent of the rest of the population. The same story is repeated throughout the world. The situation in countries like China and India is even worse. India has about twenty percent of the world’s population yet hosts about forty percent of the world’s poverty and yet now there are more billionaires in India than in Japan. The highest amounts of plundered money stashed away in Swiss banks belong to Indian capitalists, reportedly nearly fifteen trillion dollars. Let us hope that May day will remind us to be very considerate towards each other and gap between worker and owner will be narrowed down to bring peace and prosperity amongst all! It is hoped that the Air India’s Pilots strike that is going on since last four days will reach to amicable settlement and call off their strike in wake of High Court’s order immediately and reply to their sow- cause notice to save hardship of air passengers.


May 1,2011.

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