Friday, November 5, 2010

Few thoughts of mine as flashed by me on the f.b. on November o5,2010.

Bishwa Nath Singh :
One should not weep before others for being a laughing stock ,if one has to weep, he/she must weep on lotus feet of our Almighty God who is omnipresent with full of passion & kindness who may lead us on the path of salvation.

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Bishwa Nath Singh:
Let us pay our humble obeisance to the lotus feet of Lord Vishnu and seek His bliss for our well-being!

Mayank Sharma : very nice lesson can learn.

Bishwa Nath Singh:
One must have full faith in wisdom of God who is both our creator and savior who is bound to lead us on the right path.

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Bishwa Nath Singh:
Let us pay our humble obeisance to the lotus feet of Swami Prabhupad and seek His bliss on the eve of Diwali!
=======================================================================  Bishwa Nath Singh :
How could one be loved & adored unless he/she loves and aores others!

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Bishwa Nath Singh :
Osho was loved & adore by others as He loved & adored others.Let us pay our humble obeisance to His lotus feet and seek His bliss for well-being of all living-being of this universe!
Bishwa Nath Singh:
 One can't befool all people all the times.

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Bishwa Nath Singh :
Let us pay our humble obeisance to the lotus feet of His Holiness Satya Shri Sai Baba who followed the path of truth in His life that elevated Him to Godship!

Bishwa Nath Singh :

One must remain faithful & loyal to God if he/she is keen to have His bliss in life.


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November 5,2010

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