Saturday, December 25, 2010

Chrismas is the holiest festival for Christians in particular as flashed on the f.b. on Dec.24,2010.

Bishwa Nath Singh:

Only after few hours when the Cloak rings at twelve at midnight, the Birth anniversary of Jesus Christ in the form of Christmas will be celebrated by offering prayers in the holy churches to commemorate His memories in most part of the world and India in particular.. Jesus Christ is the best-known figure and widely known in whole of the universe! Billions of people adore Him as their Savior here on this earth. Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit and was born in the flesh by the Virgin Mary in a stable in Bethlehem where He had grown up as a baby on this earth, into a man and lived to die for mankind.


(Picture of the holy mother Marium holding her son Jesus in her arms)

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Bishwa Nath Singh :
Jesus Christ was on a redeeming mission, to bring separated man back into a relationship with the living God. Jesus Christ had lived in Israel about two thousand ten years ago.Though, he had neither written a book nor had any company beside...s, he had not traveled far too, but His life still affects people even today who adore & worship Him as the Almighty God., Millions have died for their faith in Jesus Christ, believing Him to be the Son of God and Savior of the world. Millions have accepted torture and then death, refusing to renounce the one whom they love so much and feel so indebted. Jesus lived as a human-being on this earth, He identified with mankind. He hungered, got tired, felt pain and even cried. Jesus said He was the ‘Son of God’; many people agreed with Him. Even those who condemned Him and killed Him, knew that He was innocent and special. Jesus was not a criminal or even a bad person; He was perfect and sinless. Jesus was whipped, beaten, tortured and then nailed to a tree, and left to die whilst crowds were mocking; Jesus words are truly life changing as He not only inspired a nation, but nations and continents, and He has changed billions of lives by His words and actions. No one has greater love than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends, Let us celebrates the holy Christmas with gaiety and fervor and hasten to wish every body whether they are Christians or not a Merry Christmas and pledge ourselves to strive hard for bringing Peace all over the world!



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