Thursday, December 23, 2010

The reasons as why Lok Sabha is more powerful than Rajya Sabha in our Indian Parliamentary democracy as flashed by me on the f.b. on Dec. 23,2010.

Bishwa Nath Singh:

One of my esteemed friend Phoned me from Salmiya, Kuwait who wanted to know as why Lok Sabha (Lower House or House of People) in Indian Parliamentary democracy is more powerful than Rajya Sabha ( Upper House or Council of States).It is a very pertinent question that many would like to share its answer with me that are enumerated below in brief.


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Bishwa Nath Singh :
Truly speaking, the special powers that the Lok Sabha enjoys is the main reason as why the Lok Sabha (Lower House or House of the People) is more powerful than the Rajya Sabha(Upper House or Council of States).Let us have a look at them.! (1) The Motions of no confidence against the Government can only be introduced and passed in the Lok Sabha. If passed by a majority vote, the Prime Minister and the Council of Ministers resign collectively. The Rajya Sabha has no power over such a motion, and hence no real power over the executive. However, the Prime Minister may threaten to the dissolution of the Lok Sabha and recommend this to the President, forcing an untimely general election. The President normally accepts this recommendation unless otherwise convinced that the Lok Sabha might recommend a new Prime Minister by a majority vote. Thus, both the executive and the legislature in India have checks and balances over each other. (2) The Money bills can only be introduced in the Lok Sabha, and upon being passed, are sent to the Rajya Sabha, where it can be deliberated on for up to fourteen days. If not rejected by the Rajya Sabha, or fourteen days lapse from the introduction of the bill in the Rajya Sabha without any action by the House, or recommendations made by the Rajya Sabha are not accepted by the Lok Sabha, the bill is considered passed. The budget is presented in the Lok Sabha by the Union Finance Minister in the name of the President of India. (3)In matters pertaining to non-financial (ordinary) bills, after the bill has been passed by the House where it was originally tabled (Lok Sabha or Rajya Sabha), it is sent to the other house, where it may be kept for a maximum period of six months. If the other House rejects the bill or a period of six months are over without any action by that House, or the House that originally tabled the bill does not accept the recommendations made by the members of the other house, it results in a deadlock. This is resolved by a joint session of both Houses, presided over by the Speaker of the Lok Sabha and decided by a simple majority. Certainly, the say or will of the Lok Sabha normally prevails in these matters, as its strength is more than double than that of the Rajya Sabha. (4)Equal Powers Lok Sabha has with the Rajya Sabha in initiating and passing any Bill for Constitutional Amendment by a majority of the total membership of the House and at least two-thirds majority of the members present and voting. (5)Equal Powers Lok Sabha shares with the Rajya Sabha in initiating and passing a motion for the impeachment of the President by two-thirds of the membership of the House.(6)Equal Powers Lok Sabha has with the Rajya Sabha in initiating and passing a motion for the impeachment of the judges of the Supreme Court and the state High Courts by a majority of the membership of the House and at least two-thirds majority of the members present and voting. (7)Equal Powers Lok Sabha has with the Rajya Sabha in initiating and passing a resolution declaring war or national emergency by two-thirds majority or constitutional emergency by simple majority in a state. & (8)If the Lok Sabha is dissolved before or after the declaration of a National Emergency, the Rajya Sabha becomes the sole de facto and de jure Parliament. It cannot be dissolved. This has a limitation on the Lok Sabha. Hope, my reply will satisfy inquisitiveness of my friend.

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Ajit Krishna Singh :

Sir,,The views expressed by you is very true as they are well explained in our constitution. I would like to add few lines to it . "Democracy is the government of the people, for the people and by the people" . People of India elect their re...presentatives (MPs) in each general election based on adult suffrage and send them to lower House( i.e. Lok Sabha) . This house also constitute five nominated members by the President of India. Contrary to it, members of the Upper House (i.e. Rajya sabha) are elected by the elected members of the lower house as well as members of both houses of state assemblies."

In democracy , real power lies in it's people so the Lower House in India is more powerful than Upper House.

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