Saturday, December 25, 2010

The Philosophical aspect of Christianity as described & flashed by me on the f.b on Dec.26,2010

Bishwa Nath Singh:

Though the life of the Christianity has crossed over more than two thousand years on this earth, yet many are unaware of its perception and philosophical aspects. Let us examine it very coolly and have a glimpse on it as what many people alike me construe that is appended below!


( Photo of Jesus Christ)

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Bishwa Nath Singh:
Christianity was derived its name from Jesus Christ based chiefly on Judaism and partly on Buddhism. The doctrines of the Christian religion are all taken from Judaism. Jesus never professed to abolish Judaism and to set up a new religion o...f his own. Buddhism prevailed in Palestine when Christ was born. Christ himself came in contact with it through John the Baptist. There is a striking resemblance between Buddhism and Christianity in their precepts, in their forms and ceremonies, in the architectural style of their temples, and even in the account of the lives of their founders. The teaching of Jesus which is chiefly ethical is embodied in the Sermon on the Mount, the Lord's Prayer and certain parables known as the parables of the Good Samaritan, the Prodigal Son, and the Sheep and the Goats. Lord Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the King. He was the son of a carpenter of Nazareth, a large village in Galilee, the northern Province of Palestine. Jesus was a Palestine Jew of the first century. He lived with Joseph and Mary and a large family of brothers or half-brothers in the house of the carpenter of Nazareth. He was baptized by John the Baptist on the banks of the river Jordan. Now he saw a vision of God's spirit descending like a dove on him. John, the Baptist was the Preceptor of Jesus. Jesus was an incarnation of the Hebrew God Jehovah. Jesus is the Greek transliteration of an Aramic name pronounced Yeshua, according to Hebrew Scholars. It was altered into Jesus in English. He was also called Messiah, the anointed one, or the Savior of the World. In between his 18th and 32nd years of age, Jesus spent his life in India and lived like a Hindu or Buddhist monk. He had burning dispassion (Vairagaya)and spirit of renunciation. In India he assimilated Hindu ideals and principles. Lord Jesus totally surrendered himself at the lotus feet of the Lord. He had intense faith in Him. It was the faith that sustained him throughout his life. The Cross of Jesus will remain forever the supreme example of love and suffering without returning evil for evil. The Cross symbolizes a great principle of life. In the Christian theology, the Cross has a wonderful halo. It is not a common cross of wood. The Cross of Jesus is a classic instance of love resisting evil and overcoming it. He had a large heart and wonderful power of endurance .He had clarified that one who has control over the flesh, crucified the flesh, subdued the life-passions possesses self-control and has mortified the lower nature, can bear the Cross. Jesus was holy. person and God-man,. He was the incarnation of God. Jesus called himself the Son of God. In Jesus, one can see perfect holiness, goodness, kindness, mercy, gentleness and justice He was embodiment of all that is best, moderate and most beautiful. He was the most perfect type and ideal of humanity. He was the embodiment of all his teachings. He was a philosopher, prophet, teacher and reformer. He always practiced what he taught. He was truthful. His thoughts were very pure. There was no hypocrisy or deception in his thoughts. He risked his own life in uttering the truth. The spirit of Jesus is the spirit of Truth. He is called the Sun of Righteousness. He went about doing well. His words still elevate people. who still live as a fountain of inspiration. He had taken the sins of humanity on himself, suffered for their sins and made them free and that speaks the theory of Atonement of Christ. Over two thousand years have passed since Lord Jesus, the Prophet of Palestine taught the way, the truth and the life to mankind The words of Jesus were not collected till some generations after they were uttered. Christianity was essentially a radiant way of life, a way of happy and victorious living in this world. He had astonished people by his insight when discussing religion with the religious leaders of his day. For three years he explained his claim as the Only Son of God and taught people about the nature of his Father: God, and the true path of human life in the shape of 'Sermon on the Mount’, Because of these virues, he was called the Great Exemplar. He explained the real nature of God, man and the world he lived in. He taught people to change their way of looking at things. He told them that if they would change their outlook on life from its materialistic to its spiritualistic aspect, they would realize that the world they were living in was God's Kingdom. His words have been misunderstood, wrongly annotated, mutilated, deformed and transformed and yet they have survived over two thousand years as they were very powerful and came from the heart of Jesus. Here is the gist of Jesus' teachings: God is Spirit. He is omnipresent. He loves His creatures with infinite love. He is the Father of all. God is immanent in the world. He is transcendental also. He sent His son Jesus Christ unto the world to show them the way to attain immortality. The theological doctrine of Jesus is belief in the Fatherhood of God and brotherhood of man. In Godhead there are three Persons, viz., Father, Son and the Holy Ghost or Spirit. This is the Trinity of Christianity. All men are brothers, because they are all members of the family of God. If the teaching of Christ is carried out faithfully there will be no war on this universe.Let us join to pay our humble obeisance's to the lotus feet of Jesus Christ,Our Holy Father in heaven and seek His bliss for well-being of all living-being of this universe! Merry Christmas & New Year to all inhabitants of the globe!!


December  26,2010.

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