Sunday, December 19, 2010

Save girl child should be our topmost motto of ur life as envisaged & flashed by me on the f.b. on December 19,2010.

Bishwa Nath Singh:

Let the inhabitants of whole world should understand that abortion and killing of fetus of unborn child whether boy or girl are not only immoral, unethical, unhygienic but unreligious too!. One must refrain from it. One will recollect that ... I had already expressed my anguish on killing of fetus of girl child on the face book earlier as it is against all norms of civilized societies of the world and against our religious and ethical values. The question is as who are responsible for such nefarious activities-Road way side Romeos or Roadway side Juliet or both or r lack of sex-education Certainly, such people who are carrying such nefarious activities must be identified and brought to books under law of land instead of shedding crocodile tears. Abortion has been banned but still it going on as hide and sick game for minting money by a large number of medical practitioners- such medical practitioners who are carrying out unethical activities also must be identified and brought to books under law of land. Simply by shedding crocodile tears from our eyes, we are not going to contain such derailment of our moral & ethical values rather we have to strive hard to bring mass awareness to help such victims in identifying such hardened criminals who carry out such unethical and immoral activities. Rape is one of the greatest menace worst than killing of a woman. Such rapists must be identified and brought to books under law of land and must be severally punished. The road way side jolliest also require to be well-identified and brought to books so that they can 't incite men of dubious character for sexual intercourse for worldly pleasures .Sex education and ethics must be incorporated in syllabi of our academic life right from the primary education to higher courses. The parents must avoid themselves fully to watch blue films and encourage their children to see only good films and serials that enhance moral & ethical values in them. One should not forget that girl when grows up becomes one’s mother who is the holiest on this earth. We must look ladies as our mentor and adore her with pride as they are our holiest and most loving mother, sisters ,aunties, friends and spouse too-each relationship having their own meaning. I would also like to caution ladies too with humble request to avoid fashion as far as practicable rather they should devote most of their time in grooming their children and in carrying out social & ethical activities to enrich these values in the so called modern societies.. What amazed me at times, when I see round ladies not in well-dress! Exposure of body is a very ill practice and that must be avoided .It’s high time to act than to shed crocodile tears and stop carrying such nefarious activities of killing female fetus in the mother’s womb. Thanks for sharing with such a meaningful composition that prompted me to express my own thoughts and feelings that I am sure,my friends & well-wishers would appreciate it and rise for this good cause.
‎"पुकारती है बिटिया"
( माँ माँ माँ माँ माँ ओह माआअ !!!!!!!!!!!)

तेरी कोख के अन्दर से पुकारती है बिटिया !
क्यों जन्म लेने से पहले मारती है बिटिया ?!!
में बेटी हु , मरने के लिए गुनाह काफी है !
मेरा बेटा न होना ,क्या ये वजह काफी है !!
माँ घरों को तो सिर्फ संवारती है बिटिया !!!
क्यों जन्म लेने से पहले मारती है बिटिया !!!
माँ मुझे भी जन्म लेने का अधिकार दे दे !
भाई को सारा मगर मुझे थोडा सा प्यार दे दे!!
 हाथों को अपने पसारती हैं बिटिया !!!
क्यों जन्म लेने से पहले मारती है बिटिया !!!!
देख लेने दे दुनिया के रंग मुझे माँ !
छु लेने दे अपने ही अंग मुझे माँ !!
 तेरी हर जिद के आगे हारती हैं बिटिया !
क्यों जन्म लेने से पहले मारती है बिटिया !!
चीर डालेंगे मुझे ये औज़ार माँ !
क्यों चलवाती है मुझpe हथियार माँ !!
बहुत जोर जोर से चित्कारती है बिटिया !!!
क्यों जन्म लेने से पहले मारती है बिटिया !
तू कैसे कभी फिर पुजारिन बनेगी !!

सुना है की देवी है,आरती हैं बिटिया !!!
क्यों जन्म लेने से पहले मारती है बिटिया !!!!
फ़रियाद मेरी बस तू ही सुनेगी !
तेरी कोख में हु तू ही जनेगी !!
उम्मीद  से जिंदगी निहारती है बिटिया

By: Vashi Ru

Rajeev Kumar Panday and Dinesh Paliwal like this.

Bishwa Nath Singh :
It is high time not to act than to repent on this count.



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