Thursday, December 23, 2010

My own conviction about f.b. friends as flashed on the f.b. on Dec.23,2010.

Bishwa Nath Singh:

I am thinking very seriously of saying good-bye to all of you on the face book. because there is no use continuing this social site and having large number of friends numerically being swollen up every now and then of which hardly few of them interact and nearly 1/6th have joined the good cause of promoting 'Global Peace & Universal B...rotherhood" in spite of my repeated request and humble appeal and out of that only few are giving me feed back about its progress. There is no filter to check identity of fake names who either put on mask or display photo of some celebrity on their profile What pains me the most that even when such person are requested to affix their own Photo and mention their basic & contact in formations on their Profile, they hardly listen and that pains me much. I mention all these with great anguish. Let us see as what is in God's will! Any way, let me convey each one of you a merry Christmas and happy new year with hope that all of you will learn by your mistakes committed, if any and resolute not to repeat those mistakes in future and devote your entire time & energy in positive & godly work instead of lowering down prestige of others so that you can come out shinning as great star of our era and strive hard to promote “Global Peace & Universal Brotherhood” in your family, neighborhood and friends circle to achieve its theme of love, love alone & universal brotherhood!

(Picture of Jesus Christ emitting light)

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Ak Shrivastava Yes. we do not seem to react and interact among ourselves enough. Christmas is sharing ourselves, our emotions and goodwishes with others. Give love, it eill come back to you ten times, spread a happy smile, it will come back and you will soon have miles and miles of it.

keep in, keep up and keep at it.

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हरे कृष्णा :
Merry cristmas sir ji. pls do not say to goodbye we will loose a very spritual n peacefull friend who updates us with latest n historical news without any fail. i like ur all updates. since dere is a compatible device problem wid me but dis sud not be an excuse. i apriciate ur all d efforts to maintain gloable peace. dis is realy commendable..


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