Sunday, December 12, 2010

Significance of Ohm as flashed on the f.b. on December 12,2010.

Bishwa Nath Singh
The Ohm (also spelled AUM or OM) is often recognized in the West as a word repeated in meditation. A variety of Southeast Asian and Indian scripts write the Ohm symbol, including Tamil, Nagari and Kannada. It is sacred word, sound and symbo...l with origins going as far back as 3000 B.C. The Mandukya Upanishad included the first direc...t documentation of the symbol around 1000 B.C. The yoga sutras define Ohm simply as "underlying intelligence." In Hindu philosophy, the vibration created when saying the word Ohm symbolizes the vibration of the universe. In Hindu scriptures, in the Vedas, AUM is the 'Sound of the Sun', the 'Sound of Light'. Muslims call it Saut-I-Sarmadi,the Unstruck Melody, or Kalma, meaning 'Word'Sikhs call it Shabd. Tibetan Buddhistscall it bden tshig. Every religion has equivalents for OM.AUM (Om, Ohm) manifests via light and sound when one converts the scattered outer attention and focus singleminded at the eye centre. The dot, the third eye, between the eye brows on both Hindu and Buddhist statues isreferring to this door of inner perception which can be entered direct or via meditation. Hearing the inner sound(bhajan) and seeing the inner light (dhyan) is a common theme in mystic literature of all religionsOm, Aum, Ohm is a holy meditation symbol of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism with a profusion of esoteric and exoteric meanings. In modern usage Om means the Word, the “parnava,” the eternal. Various accounts are given of its origin; one that it is the term of assent used by the gods, and probably an old contracted form of the Sanskirtword "evam" meaning "thus." The laws of the "Manu" say that the word was formed by Brahma himself, who extracted the letters "a" "u" "m" from the "Vedas," one from each; and they thus explain its mysterious power and sanctity. "Om" is also the name given by the Hindus to the spiritual sun, as opposed to "Sooruj," the natural sun. The word is Sanskrit. It is pronounced at the beginning and end of every lesson in the "Veda" and it is also the introductory word of the "Puranas." It is said in the "Katha-Upanishad": "Whoever knows this syllable obtains whatever he wishes." This is because all words are said to be but various forms of the one sound, "om", according to the “Upanishads." It represents the divine and the power of God. It is the sound-symbol for the ultimate reality.Let us join our head to bow before this most sacred word Ohm!

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Bishwa Nath Singh :
The word is Sanskrit. It is pronounced at the beginning and end of every lesson in the "Veda" and it is also the introductory word of the "Puranas." It is said in the "Katha-Upanishad": "Whoever knows this syllable obtains whatever he wishe...s." This is because all words are said to be but various forms of the one sound, "om", according to the “Upanishads." It represents the divine and the power of God. It is the sound-symbol for the ultimate reality.Let us join our head to bow before this most sacred word Ohm!

Aumbast Bhaskar :
 I have no more knowledge about this but i know only this is power of mantra.

December 12,2010.

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